Thursday 28 May 2020

Refreshing & Nourishing Beverages

Refreshing Beverages

These are drinks which are taken to make up for the fluid loss (due to perspiration) of our body. Ex. Nimbupani, water, syrups, soft drinks, tonic water etc.

Aerated water

These beverages are aerated with carbon dioxide, hence the fizzy or bubbly nature of these drinks. Mostly these waters are flavoured with artificial/natural ingredients and essences.

Some examples:

Soda water - colourless & tasteless. Example- Schweppes, Lehar everness
Tonic water- colourless & flavoured with quinine. Eg- Schweppes, Fever-tree, etc

Dry ginger- golden straw coloured with a ginger flavour
Bitter lemon- pale cloudy with sharp lemon flavour
Orangeades- orange coloured with orange flavour, eg Mirinda, Fanta, etc
Lemonades- 2 varieties- clear n whitish opaque, eg Limca, 7 up
Colas- dark, rich, garnet red coloured when held up to the light. Flavoured with the essence or extract of cola nuts.

Natural spring water or mineral waters-

These waters are broadly classified as bottle drinking waters. However, these are not to be confused with packaged drinking water, which is essentially hygienically filtered and purified water packaged in disposable bottles/ packs/ pouches.

•Vichy celestins

Nourishing Beverages

Milk and Dairy-based Beverages

•Whole milk
•Skimmed milk
•Flavored milk
•Lactose – free
•Condensed milk
•Butter milk

Soy-based Beverages

•Soy-based beverages contain an array of nutrients
•Protein, carbohydrates, potassium, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus


•Fruit and vegetable juices
•Natural source of potassium, folate and antioxidants, including vitamin C and beta-carotene
•Fresh-squeezed, pulp-free, home-squeezed, not-from-concentrate, concentrate, etc

Energy drink
any beverage that contains high levels of a stimulant ingredient, usually caffeine, as well as sugar and often supplements, such as vitamins or carnitine, and that is promoted as a product capable of enhancing mental alertness and physical performance.


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